Our Aesthetician Tips For Client Retention

Hello, our fellow aestheticians! I have come up with a guide for some of our favourite tips and tricks of the industry, and I am so excited to share with you!


One of the biggest factors is establishing trust and confidence within our clientele. A huge portion of this is by the power of the initial consultation. When our clients gain knowledge about their own skin, they begin to feel confident, uplifted, excited, educated and reassured that they are being guided in right direction. At this initial consultation, it is important to discuss the “why” for choosing us, what their main concerns are, and where they would like their skin to be. This allows for individuals to feel safe in our space. After the initial consultation, this same energy is provided through every interaction - follow ups, treatments, product re stocks, emails, phone calls, dm’s etc. By being their support system, we are then able to guide them to the right direction, all within realistic expectations.

expanding KNOWLEDGE

As a professional aesthetician, it is extremely important that you hold passion for this industry as it allows for you to be in the constant search of expanding your knowledge. This will always hold value. It allows for you to continuously grow your clientele, treatments, techniques and product lines. Whether that is doing your own research, signing up for a class/seminar or even finding like minded aestheticians to bounce information off of, you allow for more perspective. Moving with the energy of always being open to learning, improving and evolving allows for the blossoming of more opportunity.


Client retention is key for a thriving business. How do we ensure that our clients remain ours? Trust. Confidence. Results. Knowledge. Friendship. Professionalism. Safe environment. Along side all of those we are also finding other ways to keep our clients excited and keen for more. Sharing knowledge through blogs, social media and newsletters allows for clients to stay up to date with you outside of their appointments. And lastly, we also understand how busy life can get, and that is why we always recommend pre-booking appointments. This should be well educated at the end of each appointment - discussing which treatment should be next, why, and when to pre book for.


In the aesthetics world there are a wife range of different techniques, modalities, products and treatments we can provide! It also highly depends on who performs them, because though schooling can teach you the basics, this is a very creative field. I typically like to recommend finding your niche, and slowly building upon that without taking on too much. Find what lights you up. Find what brings you happiness and your clients results, because ultimately that is how you succeed. Having too much of a variety that does not synergistically come together can be overwhelming to your business and clientele. We want to focus on what our specialties are and how the treatments/products we choose compliment each other. Remember to always be intentional. Put energy into refining what you are truly passionate about.

Now, when it comes to products a lot of the time this industry refers to selling their products as “upselling”. This can often be looked at in the wrong light, and in my opinion, as it should. It can be thought of as pushing products and the overall business/employee only caring about their sales, rather than educating clients on what is best for their skin specifically. Our intentions when it comes to what products we carry within our space should align the same way as it does with our treatments - as I mentioned, these should compliment eachother. You should be just as excited about the products because then it removes the “selling” piece as a whole. The science, knowledge, key ingredients and benefits begin to speak for themselves - we become the messenger. We are then showing our clients our intentions and gaining their trust by knowing they are in good hands, this also builds on the confidence and trust piece with our clients.


I always say, “it is more than just a facial, it is an experience”. Having passion and love for your work takes the work piece out of it entirely - it becomes art. And art becomes something that moves you. Before and during a treatment I love to think with each step “how would I like this to feel?” . Putting yourself in the position of the individual you are providing the service for allows you to fully dive into the experience. This all starts from the moment you wake up, to when you enter into your place of work, the way you greet someone, the way you present your space, the music you play, the tone of voice, the energy in the space and most importantly the first touch. Energy is real, whether you are as spiritual as I am, I truly believe that all individuals are to feel your intentions. Allow yourself to feel a flow of creativity, stay in your own lane, and everything will fall into place with the power of authenticity.

“The truest results come from authenticity turning into art”

- Jordan Radke