How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Your Skin

Did you know that as women we have four different cycles every month?

When I was asked this question 3 years ago, my answer was no. I had absolutely no idea what my Naturopath was talking about at the time, and was shocked once she began educating me. This information is some that I continue to share with all of our clients, friends and family. It has truly made the greatest impact on how I care for my body on a daily basis, and allows for you - as a woman - to be more connected to your body. I would like to preface and say that everyone is different, and our cycles can be so complex, but after learning this information it was a sign that our system has not done the best job at educating women on their bodies and how to best learn to take great care of them.

I hope this information can guide you to being more connected to your body.


Menstruation Phase

During the first few days of your cycle, do you notice how your body changes and begins to feel? This is because our levels of hormones are changing - Estrogen and Progesterone become low. From this, our skin can become dry, dull, puffy and contribute to certain lines and wrinkles appearing more obvious and deep. Our skin can feel more oily, and our body is in a “healing state”. During this phase it is important to boost the skin with hydration and moisture topically, introduce more hydrating fruits and vegetables, slow down to less vigorous movements and nurture your body as it releases these hormones.

Follicular Phase

This phase is the beginning of your estrogen levels rising. Your skin typically loves this phase, and it will be on its best behavior. The first 10-16 days of the Follicular Phase calls for more natural moisture and collagen production in your skin, which will make the skin stronger and feel more elastic. You can experience a natural glow during the mid peak of this phase. This is also the phase where testosterone can slowly rise, which also aids in more natural moisture within the skin.

Ovulation Phase

We’ve now made it to the mid way point, where your skin will likely appear clear, bright and glowing for roughly 3-5 days until testosterone and estrogen begin to decrease. When these hormones lessen, progesterone levels start to rise which then leads to more oily and congested skin. This is the phase in which you want to bring more awareness to how you are treating your body and what you are putting on your skin. You may feel like you’ll want to do a couple clay masque for your skin to remove excess oil, exfoliate with a gentle AHA/BHA or retinol, or sometimes use blotting papers. This is your sign that the next phase is on its way.

Luteal Phase

So it begins…. the premenstrual symptoms. This is the phase in which most of us typically crave unhealthy foods, mood fluctuations, cramping, skin purges, bloat, swelling, excess water weight and sometimes more… (how lovely). You feel more uncomfortable in your own body as all of these drastic changes are happening with your hormones for your body to properly menstruate. During this phase, we want to focus on hydration and avoid over-exfoliation. Be kind to your skin and your body. Even though you may experience increased oiliness and inflammation, it is important to remember what your body is going through. Ensure that you are drinking lots of water, enrich your meals with fruit, vegetables and fiber-rich foods, add vitamins to your diet and perform more calming workouts. Be gentle with yourself during this phase.


Over the last 3 years, I have begun tracking my cycle everyday to ensure that I am staying connected to my body. This has helped me in knowing what my body needs and doesn’t need, if I’m in a mood and can’t understand fully why, if my pants are just not fitting the same and so many other daily or weekly feelings that I used to have that were unexplained. It has allowed me to care for myself deeper, and to ensure that I never over extend my body when going through menstruation. The menstrual cycle influences your overall mood, energy levels, body swelling, the condition of your hair and skin and so much more. I have learned how important it is to understand these physical and emotional changes in order to adjust diet, skin care and how we show up for ourselves and others.

I’m curious… Did you know about all of these phases? How does this impact your life? Will you begin to track your cycle?

“Be gentle with yourself”

Jordan Radke