Inner Wellth Tasty Greens

Inner Wellth Tasty Greens


Tasty Greens contains 55 fruits & vegetables providing a powerhouse of antioxidants, phytonutrients, micronutrients and digestive enzymes. It is recommended to eat 30+ different plants per week. 

Tasty Greens provides:

  • An antioxidant source that assists in the maintenance of good health

  • Antioxidants that help fight against the cellular damage caused by free radicals

  • Helps support and maintain a healthy digestive system

  • Aids in energy metabolism

  • Helps provide gentle relief of constipation and/or bowel irregularity

  • A source of vitamins and minerals

  • Supports a healthy immune system

  • Supports reduced inflammation

  • Supports a healthy liver

Ingredient Highlights:

Herb & Extracts 1701mg: Acerola Extract (Fruit), Astragalus (Root), Milk Thistle (Fruit), Siberian Ginseng (Root), Ginkgo Biloba (Leaf) (25% Flavonoid glycosides, 5% Terpene lactones), Hawthorn (Flower and Leaf) , Grape (Fruit), Nettle (Herb Top), Inulin (Tuber), Paradise Apple (Whole plant), Buckwheat (Seed), American Cranberry (Fruit), Blueberry (Fruit), Bitter Gourd (Fruit), Fringetree (Root bark), Oat (Seed bran), Pineapple (Fruit), Papaya (Fruit), Piperine (Fruit)

Cruciferous Vegetables 270mg: Broccoli (Herb Top), Cauliflower (Leaf), Kale (Leaf), Brussels Sprouts (Leaf Bud), Watercress (Leaf)

Sea Vegetables Blend 1275mg: Spirulina (Whole), Chlorella (Broken Cell), Dulse (Whole), Norwegian Kelp (Whole), Wakame (Whole), Nori (Whole)

Green Food Concentrates 1455mg: Barley Grass (Sprout), Alfalfa (Herb Top), Wheat (Seed), Spinach (Leaf), Parsley (Herb Top), Dandelion (Leaf), Soy (Seed)

Phytonutrients 72.5mg: Bilberry (Fruit), Quercetin, Green Tea Extract (Leaf) (80% Catechins, 1% Caffeine, 50% Epigallocatechin 3-gallate), Grape Seed Extract (Seed) (75% Oligomeric proanthocyanidins), Lycopene (Synthetic), Resveratrol (Fruit), Lutein (Herb flowering oleoresin)

Land Vegetables Blend 1280mg: Rice (Seed), Beet (Root), Carrot (Root), Celery (Whole plant), Pumpkin (Fruit)

Plant Oils Blend 1912.5mg: Non-GMO Soy Lecithin (Seed)*, Flaxseed Oil (Seed), Borage Oil (Seed), Pumpkin Seed Oil (Seed), Evening Primrose Oil (Seed), Safflower Oil (Seed)

There are NO inflammatory seed oils in Tasty Greens.  Non-GMO Soy Lecithin (Seed) due to the high content of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine both of which are phospholipids that restore cell membranes, support healthy cholesterol, liver and brain function. Non-GMO Soy Lecithin is typically listed as Lecithin on greens and supplement labels. Lecithin is also an emulsifier which is in many greens products and various supplements and foods. Tasty Greens does not contain soy trypsin inhibitors.

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