Supporting Acne Internally & Externally

In support of Acne Awareness Month, we wanted to bring you some more information on how to help treat and heal this condition.


Acne is an inflammatory response when excess dead skin cells and sebum clog the hair follicles and pores usually on the face, chest, back and shoulders. Bacteria eventually start to gather and multiply from feeding on the build up, creating an unbalanced microbiome and triggering an inflammatory response. Although there is no cure for acne, there are many ways to control it!


When looking to treat acne internally, we need to look inward and focus on our hormones. When our hormones are unbalanced it can affect our skin, mood, energy levels, inflammation etc. For instance, if the androgen hormones (male sex hormones) and/or cortisol levels (stress hormones) are high, it can increase sebum production and inflammation in the body. By treating our acne internally, we can help balance our hormones and reduce inflammation with several at home practices and remedies.

  • Removing dairy from your diet as much as possible, naturally occurring growth hormones in dairy can increase our androgen hormone levels when we consume it

  • Removing sugar from your diet as much as possible, it may cause our cortisol levels, leading to inflammation. 

  • Reduce/manage stress; meditating, exercise, nature & talking time for yourself - stillness

  • Removing Alcohol 

  • Getting 8 hours of sleep

  • Drinking enough water

  • Take an omega 3 supplement or include omega 3 rich foods in the diet such as flax, chia and salmon

  • Drink licorice and spearmint tea or take a reishi mushroom supplement (these herbs are anti-androgen herbs and naturally lower testosterone levels)

  • Hormone testing through your family doctor or naturopath 


Another approach to healing acne is looking at external factors that contribute to maintaining a healthy skin barrier, reducing bacteria and helping calm external inflammation. Some key ways to maintain our skin externally are,

  • Maintenance treatments spaced every 4-6 weeks apart

  • A skincare regime suited best for your skin

  • Applying spf daily to protect your skin and prevent further damage

  • Lymphatic drainage with cupping or gua sha to help release toxins and bring nutrients to the skin

  • Staying away from touching, picking or extracting breakouts at home

  • Cleaning your pillow cases and make up brushes weekly

  • Double cleansing in the evenings

  • Staying active through movement

  • Sauna therapy to help keep the lymphatic system moving and release toxins 


Being gentle and kind to yourself and your skin is an important first step in treating acne. Once we start treating our skin not only externally, but internally with our best intentions our skin will begin to flourish and begin its journey to health. Acne awareness month represents that in this journey that we face, we are not alone. Instead of the shame acne tends to get tied to, we want to aid in releasing those ties and embrace the differences in our skin.

Some more simple steps you can take to reduce stress and provide care for you include:

  • breathing exercises and practicing meditation or yoga

  • consistent 6-8 hour sleeps and maintaining a healthy diet

  • spend time in nature and grounding through your feet

  • seek counseling or talk to a family member/friend 

  • reiki, acupuncture and reflexology

  • going for a walk outside

  • taking a bath with candles and reading a good book

  • stretching before bed

  • using a diffuser with calming scents

  • starting a new book

The bottom line is, acne can run so deep through us physically and mentally. It can feel swollen, red, and hurt to touch. It can deprive us of seeing who we are, our natural and true beauty. Acne is so much more than “red bumps” on the skin. It can be debilitating. We encourage everyone to move through acne with grace, compassion and love for yourself. Speaking to yourself with kindness, almost like how when you talk kindly to plants they thrive and grow faster, I like to relate this to your skin. If you talk kindly and have patience in the process, you are on the right path of healing. 

"Acne does not define me”

- Jordan Radke