Cymbiotika Supplements

Introducing, Cymbiotika!

We figured it was about time to expand into internal supplements so we have more outlets to support our clients. Cymbiotika’s science and belief system aligns so well that it was the perfect fit!


Cymbiotika combines scientific innovation with traditional eastern medicine to design formulas that work in synergy with the body, fulfilling the lack of vital nutrients from today’s modern diets. Cymbiotika supplements are sourced from the highest quality plant-based ingredients and utilize advanced absorption technology, with no added fillers, toxins or synthetic ingredients. Not only creating harmony within our diet but our mind, skin and energy combined. At JRAD SKIN we believe working synergistically with the health of our body, mind and skin as one, and adding these supplements provide another source to aid in reducing inflammation, healing gut health and supporting the body from the inside out.


1) Zinc Complex - LEARN MORE HERE

Cymbiotika’s Zinc Complex plays an important role in wound healing, fighting infections and decreasing inflammation within the body. With the connection of our gut and skin, research shows Zinc can reduce bacterial forms of acne, while aiding in the overall healing process. This supplement also contains a powerful antioxidant called Selenium which reduces the damaging effects of oxidative stress that can be carried in the body, therefore reducing inflammation associated with acne, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis. 

2) Adrenal Super Tonic - LEARN MORE HERE

Cymbiotika’s Adrenal Super Tonic helps manage the body’s ability to respond to stress by reducing cortisol levels overtime, in return this supplement is able to support the body’s stress levels, anxiety, high blood pressure, muscle aches and regulating the menstrual cycle. Overall supporting a balanced mood and overall health and vitality.

3) Magnesium L-Threonate - LEARN MORE HERE

Cymbiotika’s Magnesium L-Threonate is an essential mineral that is required for 80% of the body’s metabolic functions, which is what gives us the energy and brain power we need. Magnesium is proven to increase a neurotransmitter in the brain known as GABA which promotes a calm central nervous system and balanced mood. With magnesium supporting the energy and brain power, it may also improve sleep, memory, the ability to focus and reduce brain fog. 

4) Probiotic - LEARN MORE HERE

Cymbiotika’s Natural Probiotic is a key supplement for supporting a healthy gut and aiding in digestion. Probiotics add supportive bacteria back into the gut, which supports the healthy balance of gut flora already found. Ultimately boosting the immune system and energy levels, lowers stress and reduces digestive issues. 


While most people get all of what's recommended by healthy eating, others need a little extra nutrient boost - that's where supplements come in! The importance of supplements is to enhance and support your regular diet. This ensures a healthy supply of essential nutrients is being provided to all organs for optimal health. Supplements will not only support your well being but will enhance the health of your skin.

“The greatest wealth is health”

- Virgil